How to set a shield code on graal

How to make an animated shield for Graal.
What you need: - Paint.NET - Use magic wand to select the background, press delete on keyboard, save as .png 32 bit. Make sure there's no
If you haven't downloaded Graal Online for your iPhone/iPod touch/iPad. You've got to check it out! It's an MMORPG Online game. Really fun. I guess. Anyway I kn
This is how to make an animated shield for the iPod Touch/iPhone game Graalonline Classic. First, make a shield from the templates, which can be found at
Graal Code List Graal Bodies Shield Codes! | Graal Online!
Did you know you can now create your own shields, hats, swords, and sometimes even heads!?!?! Follow these templates, then email your creation to "classic@graalonline
Shield Codes! | Graal Online!
Graal Online: How to set head shield.

Everything you need to know about GraalOnline Classic setshield anti-noob-shield.gif (lolz i love this one

Graal cheats, rare codes and more! Shield Codes! Hey guys, there are lots more codes but i think i may add a new page for em!